- We’re independent contractors. You won’t pay for benefits, payroll taxes — or our lunch breaks.
- We work when you have work for us. You won’t pay for slow or unproductive days.
- We’re able to work remotely. You don’t have to worry about having extra office space or equipment.
- We can handle routine financial tasks. You’re free focus on other aspects of running your business.
- We don’t require intensive training or supervision. You can hand off a task knowing that it will be completed accurately and on time.
Peace of Mind
- We are knowledgeable professionals, committed to becoming familiar with you and your business. You can relax knowing that you have a dedicated business partner.
- We can problem-solve, trouble-shoot, and help out in a pinch. You minimize costly down-time by having extra support on days that don’t go according to plan.
- We keep abreast of complex and changing regulations and important deadlines. You don’t have to worry about penalties and missed due dates.